Empowering Thai Pastor to Plant Thai Churches that Reach Thai People
Sign up to help the church in Thailand today!
Only About 1% of Thai People Know Jesus
...and it's Not Easy for Those Who Do!
- Many Thai communities have never heard the gospel.
- The few Thai churches that exist are small congregations.
- Most Thai Christians struggle with the expectation that "to be Thai is to be Buddhist"
- Most Thai pastors struggle to feed their families.
- Many Thai pastors want more training.
- Many Thai pastors struggle to understand what the gospel really means for them and their churches.
As a result of these issues, evangelism and church planting is very slow and difficult work in Thailand.
When you support us, you work alongside us as we:
...help Thai pastors to plant Thai churches in communities that desperately need the gospel of Jesus Christ. When a Thai person shares the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ, the Thai person receiving it can see it comes from people who understand what it means to be Thai. It means that Thai people can be Christian!
...provide training for Thai pastors and church planters. In doing so, you help us multiply the impact of that training by giving it to people who know how to apply it in the lives of Thai people...no need for extra language or cultural study!
...build creative methods for pastors, church planters, and church leaders to feed their families and support the ministries of local Thai churches. By doing this you help us give honor and dignity to them, their churches, and the King of the Church, Jesus Christ.
Supporting this Work is Easy!

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Support the Johnsons
Our ability to serve Thailand hand in hand with the Thai church depends on financial and prayer support of people just like you. To set up a one-time or recurring gift click below.

Support a Project
In addition to our family's support fund, we have a number of ministry projects focused on addressing specific strategic needs. Click here to explore the best ways for you to give.

Come and Join Us
God is doing amazing things in Thailand. We would love to have you come and join us as we serve Him together. Click below to see our current needs:
Click HERE to See Our Team Needs!
Ministry Projects
We have a number of ministry projects designed to empower our Thai ministry partners, support Thai church plants, and grow the ministry we do here in Thailand.
Click HERE to See Our Exciting Projects!