November 2020 Update
Nov 12, 2020As promised, we wanted to give you some updates about what has been going on in our ministry here in Thailand.
The heart of our work is:
...empowering Thai pastors to plant Thai churches that reach Thai people.
As part of this work, Ben has been traveling with our Thai partner, Pastor Ogaat, to help launch a church in the village of Baan Naa. Baan Naa is in the province of Chayaphum, about halfway between Chiang Mai and Bangkok.
Baan Naa is a rural, farming community. People in the area grow rice, sugar cane, a type of potato used for animal feed, corn, and rubber trees. As such, the people work very hard for very little income.
Baan Naa is also the hometown of Pastor Ogaat’s wife, Khruu Taay. Khruu Taay’s family came to Christ through the work of New Tribes missionaries who moved to the area decades ago. From these earliest believers a church began to blossom. But, as sometimes happens in the church, conflict arose that ended up destroying the tiny congregation.
Pastor Ogaat’s desire, now many years later, is to regather the few remaining believers, rebuild their trust, and relaunch a church that will be a light in Baan Naa.
Next week, Nov. 17-19, Ben, Pastor Ogaat, and a group from Cool Shade of Life Church will travel to Baan Naa to connect with people who have expressed interest in being part of a new church.
The last time they visited, back in August, they met and prayed for a woman who was a new believer. As a 40-something year old wife and mother, she had recently been told that she had terminal cancer and was given only a few months to live. The group from Cool Shade church met her and her husband at their house. She was bedridden and required oxygen. They fully expected this to be the last time they would ever see her.
This past week, we heard news that her health took a significant turn for the better. She regained her strength and has been able to get up and about. In fact, she has even gone back to walking and riding her bike in the neighborhood! She has asked Pastor Ogaat if she can be baptized.
The people of the community have been astounded at her incredible improvement. They heard that Christians had come and prayed for her. Many are curious about this faith that seems to have healed their friend.
Please pray for Ben, Pastor Ogaat, and the team from Cool Shade who will go to Baan Naa next week. Please pray for wisdom to answer people’s questions biblically and in a culturally appropriate way.
Pray for Ben as he has been asked to share the story of how he came to trust in Jesus. Many people have been asking who he is and why he has been visiting their community. They believe he is a Christian because he probably grew up in a Christian home (which he did!). So pray that his story would help them see the difference between religious observance or family customs and a believing faith in Jesus Christ.
This is just one story of the ministry that is taking place here in Thailand. We look forward to sharing more with you in future updates!
Thank you for your partnership in this exciting ministry! God is doing great things through you and us!
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